Posts Tagged 'family business'

The future of European Union

European union is aging fast -and i am speaking demographically-  and the future doesn’t seem so bright.  An austrian toy manufacturer was quoted saying

“The toy trade is slowly dying across central Europe. There are not enough children any more”

On the other hand of course the health industry is alive and kicking, enjoying a golden era.

What are the reasons for the low birth rate of developed countries ?

There are many physical and metaphysical explanations for the low birth rate, however the bottom line is this: having many kids, somehow seems to be more trouble than its’ worth. The typical european has no more farms and cottages for their kids to work, no more family businesses that need extra hands. The europeans work all day and a kid is just another 8-hour of work every day for them. Something is really wrong with this picture, but i’m sure that if large companies had the oportunity to breed workers some of them might just try it out.